Victory In Christ Christian Center

Business Directory and Ministry Guide

Impact of the Business Directory

Purpose of the Missional Platform

“Truth is, when commerce follows biblical principles, outcomes are better”

The purpose of the Missional Platform is to provide your congregation with the opportunity to utilize the products and services of Christian businesses within the church. All listed businesses have pledged to adhere to "Business with God;" the biblical principles of running a business. This paradigm includes stewardship and a biblically based dispute resolution process among other things.

The Missional Platform is a great way for Christians to support and encourage one another in their daily lives. The Missional Platform is not to be used as a means of solicitation or a mailing list for fund raising.

The Responsibility of Consumers

Neither the church nor Gdirect endorses any of the businesses within the Missional Platform. In addition, neither is responsible for the performance of these businesses.

By seeing the word "Christian" in front of the description of a business, it is easy to automatically expect the highest standards, the best service, and the best possible price. Certainly, we hope that these businesses strive to live out their lives according to the teachings of Christ. However, these business owners face the same daily challenges of us all. Therefore, before you use a business within the platform, perform the same sort of research and comparison that you would complete if you found that business from another source.

A business that goes to your church does not owe you a special price or a cut-throat deal simply because you worship together. These businesses have thresholds of pricing that make economical sense to them. Shop around and compare, but don't expect the impossible simply because they go to your church.

After that, if you are happy with these businesses, tell others about them. Helping these businesses survive and prosper will help your church survive and prosper.

The Responsibility of Businesses within the Missional Platform

By participating in the Missional Platform, you are adding the word "Christian" before the word "Business" as part of your description. With this single word comes the additional responsibility of conducting business in a manner that follows God's way.

By encouraging users of the platform to complete their research and due diligence before they use your products or services, they will expect a higher standard because of your actions and not just because of your religious affiliation.

As the coordinator of the platform, Gdirect reserves the right to hold listed businesses to the pledge that was agreed to in advertising within the platform. This includes utilizing the "Peacemakers Pledge" to help in dispute resolution.

The Peacemaker's Pledge

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